onsdag 31 oktober 2012

Theme 1: Reflections

My research paper showed the importance of defining different variables out of a certain cause like the one I mentioned in Theme 1. How the definitions probably helped a lot to find out correlations between the variables and therefore make it easier to create understandable and great conclusions. On the other hand, I learned that those variables still could be pretty misleading because of the reliability of the exposure scale of the survey in this case. Hence, the reliability could always somehow be questioned and it may be important to discuss it within a paper of a study.

Russel taught me how to acknowledge the differences between particulars and universals. Particular objects are always given in sensation and could be defined by means of proper names while universals belong to a world which is neither mental nor physical and more likely something which corresponds and depends on relations. In addition Dahlberg mentioned some interesting thoughts about universals and particulars regarding the propositions explained by Russel. If we by means of our sense-data can´t define a specific color, for instance green, through our senses, then the color should according to Russel be defined as a universal. The confusion that surrounded me while reading Russel´s book became so much clearer during the last seminar by means of a simple summary by Dahlberg. Anyway I ´m still aware of how complicated the relationships are between definitions like sense-data, propositions, particulars and universals.

Dahlberg told me some philosophical notions in the lecture about the Epistemology. For instance “the Gettier problem”, which means that formalizations in turn create issues and there is also a certain criteria for justification. A lot of those notions gave me different point of views about significant parts of knowledge and showed me how complex and broad just a tiny part of the subject of philosophy really is and some engineers and students including myself might underestimate the difficulties within the philosophy. 

Finally I have learned the meaning and the importance of an impact factor and how it correlates with how many times a specific paper has been cited. Therefore I have been more skeptical about the trustworthiness of journals which either somehow hide the impact factor or don´t even have one.

söndag 28 oktober 2012

Theme 1

Research publications/Theory of science

Research paper:

Journal of Adolescence is a multinational journal that addresses issues regarding development between puberty and the accomplishment of adult students within the society. Impact factor: 2,050.

I chose the descriptive study and paper “The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance” where the task was to find correlations between violent video games exposures and aggressive behaviors.

The procedure was mainly a quantitative study in form of a survey which was sent out during a mandatory class event to a bunch of about six hundred students with an average age of fourteen. 

A lot of different variables were introduced to easier collect data in the survey. Participants had the opportunity to grade these variables on different point scales depending on specific questions where for instance “1 “was rarely and “7” often. The variables were measured out of violent video game exposure, amount of game play, trait hostility, parental limits, arguments with teachers, grades and finally physical fights.
Some conclusions were found in the end:

·         Violent video game exposures are correlated to aggressive behaviors like arguing with teachers and physical fights.
·         Low-hostile students with high violent video games exposures are more likely to get involved in physical fights than high-hostile students with low violent video games exposures.
·          Amount of game play is negatively associated with school performance but not linked with aggressive behaviors.
·          Parents who are in the process of video game selection and observe hours played are more probable to have kids who get involved in fewer physical fights. 

I want to discuss the reliability of the survey because it´s rather subjective where all of the students probably have a lot of different opinions about for example their exposure of violent games and how do define a violent game or a hostile student. Good though that the study was not elective which reduced the probability of self-selection prejudice. 

The questions:

1.      Russel defines sense-data as things which is directly known in sense-expressions. For instance colors’, sounds, smells and so on. He uses the term sensation which is the awareness of for example a smell, and the smell is in turn a sense-datum. He believes It´s important to understand the relations of sense-data to physical objects. Sense-data is individual perspectives and are private to each person. Physical objects have correspondence with sense-data like a catalogue has a correspondence with contents inside of it.

2.      A Proposition of a thing could tell us the properties. Mostly we are aware of a specific proposition which is described and acknowledged to be true, but the issue is that maybe we are not familiar with the proposition itself and therefore don´t know it because we are missing some experience of it, but we know it´s true. A statement of fact is something familiar which has resulted in a belief, but it´s important that the belief is true. 

3.      Definite description is a phrase of the form “the so and so” and means that there is one specific object with a certain property. We have some descriptive knowledge about “the so and so”. The opposite ambiguous description “so and so” doesn´t really tell us if we are acquainted with the object which on the other hand a definite description does. 

4.      These are some of the main points he argues about:
·         True beliefs can´t be identified as knowledge when they are reasoned from false beliefs.
·         That knowledge isn´t a particular notion, it´s more likely a possible opinion.
·         Coherent opinions are more likely to be true than anyone of them would be separately.