torsdag 8 november 2012

Theme 3: Quantitative methods

Mixed Research and Online Learning: Strategies for Improvement

Basically the study tries to describe the meaning of mixed research and what the researchers need to take into consideration while dealing with and applying mixed research with the goal to improve online learning research studies. 

Furthermore they discussed that a few researches within online learning nowadays conduct mixed designs although the increasing popularity of it[1]. The issue is clarified with the example of the paradigm war or the debate between the quantitative positivists and the qualitative constructivists. These guys need to understand that the best result may come from a combination between qualitative and quantitative methods. Obviously, the limitations of a quantitative study are often embossed with the benefits of a qualitative study and vice versa. Thus, we need to aid the pragmatists who make room for utilized mixed research. 

I assume that the sample size could possibly be quite complicated to combine in utilized mixed research like they mentioned in the article[2]. I mean a quantitative study is mostly dependent on a large sample size to become trustworthy in the long run, while in a qualitative study it´s more likely to be a bonus if the sample size is huge. In mixed research designs you have to somehow combine the large amount of relatively predictable answers with more well developed answers, but it could be tricky or at least be time-consuming if these qualitative answers have to live up to the same extent to those quantitative answers. Perhaps that’s why we rather often see additional selections within a quantitative method which can advance by using a qualitative method, for instance by choosing if you want to attend to an interview within a survey. Hence, that procedure decreases the validity of the study according to me because of the self-selection alternative a participant is exposed to. 

Emotional presence, learning and the online learning environment

This study discuss the relationship between emotions and empirical data in online environments, by arguing  if emotional presence could be an underlying aspect within online community research.

It´s mentioned that previous inquiries haven´t focused enough on the importance of highlighting the emotions in educations[3]. I believe that a lot of us are aware of that more research in this subject is necessary, although we don´t really know how we can accomplish a relatively successful study in terms of validity and reliability regarding this issue. Spontaneously, when I saw the main headline of this study, I assumed that this is going to be an abstract, confusing and complicated paper to read. Hopefully the statements would be clarified by means of the more concrete theory design and action in order to for instance help me understand and separate abstract terms like social, emotion and presence in this particular context, but obviously with the results to hand, I was very wrong. Anyway, will we ever be able to visualize these abstract terms by using some theories of design and action?

With regards to the previous paragraph I didn´t find this study especially trustworthy, perhaps because I didn´t realize exactly how they proceeded with the method. “Qualitative data, drawn from open-ended questions about the online experience, were evaluated by four
different coders using a grounded theory analysis process of open, axial and confirmatory coding.”[4] Actually this quote doesn´t say so much to me, because I need to understand how for instance these coders worked in order to make the results comparatively comprehensible and reliable. In addition, I demand a more reasonable definition of this grounded theory.

Finally, I´m not so sure if I have learned anything particular from these two studies, but I´m more aware of that the utilized theory and the method might not be that obvious for the readers as it might be for the authors.

[1] Lowenthal, Patrick R and  Leech, Nancy L. Mixed Research and Online Learning: Strategies for Improvement, p. 4, [2]p. 12 

[3] Cleveland-Innes, Martha, Emotional presence, learning and the online learning environment, p. 5, [4] p. 9 

2 kommentarer:

  1. I feel the same way as you do about the paper not being as abstract as expected. I was surprised that the authors used such a quantitative method and analysis. Since the data they collected is very abstract and subjective, I believe it is better to use a more qualitative research. It is hard to classify and categorize qualitative data the way they do in the paper, and I felt the paper got very confusing and complicated by using such unexpected quantitative method and analysis.

  2. The aspect about the sample size of mixed research is an interesting aspect. Like you say the sampling can differ quite a lot between qualitative and quantitative research, in terms of number of participants and so forth. This is probably one of the (few) problems with mixed methods. This far I've had a hard time finding any disadvantage with using mixed methods. But this issue is probably something researchers definitely have to have in mind when they're exploring the use of mixed methods further.
